From the only persimmon that survived the atomic bomb attack that devastated Nagasaki in 1945, the arborist Masayuki Ebinuma collected seeds in order to plant them. He also distributed several young shoots, as symbols of peace, to children who visited the city.  In 1995, the artist Tatsuo Miyajima presented several young trees from these plantations as part of an exhibition; thus was born the Revive Time: Kaki Tree Project project. Since then, this project has continued to spread from school to school and across the globe: United States, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Africa…. This initiative has revived a part of our ecosystem ravaged by human conflicts, establishing it as a symbol of peace and creativity, with each child expressing him- or herself artistically through their plantation. Proof that art transcends borders, religions, and origins in the struggle to maintain peace and develop the imagination.

10th Anniversary / Karako Elemntary School, Karako Chuo Park © Kaki Tree Project

Find all the articles from Impact Art News n°15 — January 2020