In conversation with the artist Michael Wang

Art of Change 21 - How did you start to deal with environmental issues in your work? I have always been drawn to the natural world. My father is a geophysicist, and some of my first memories are of the small museum of geology in the building where he worked. At its entrance was an [...]


“Learning from Ice”, by Susan Schuppli

Since 2016, the UK-based researcher and artist Susan Schuppli has been dedicated to an ongoing, multi-year research project entitled “Learning from Ice”, which explores the politics of cold and focuses on the Cryosphere. Throughout this project, the aim of “Learning from Ice” has been to develop a wider knowledge around ice including ice core science, [...]

One SDG, one project|

In France, a new biotope in contemporary art

In this period disrupted for months by a sanitary crises that forces us to rethink our lifestyles, the current exhibitions in French galleries and art centers unveils a new generation of artists, attached to nature and committed to the environment, the climate and the preservation of biodiversity. These exhibitions follow the wave of urban exoduses [...]


Contemporary art and Green IT

At a time of digital transformation of the art sector, both via virtual exhibitions, digital art, mobile applications and eCommerce platforms, questions about its environmental impact are being raised more now than ever. Because the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry is the most resource intensive, and plays a significant part in climate change. Some [...]
