After the galleries, it’s time for the artists!

Artists Commit is the new branch of Galleries Commit, the initiative launched in New York by galleries committed to the fight against global warming (less known in Europe than its English cousin, the Gallery Climate Coalition ). The artists commit to this cause in particular through the publishing of a “Climate Impact report” of their [...]


Art of Change 21: artistic programme at COP26 with John Gerrard and Lucy Orta

Art of Change 21 (the editor of Impact Art News) will defend the major role of artists in the ecological transition, mobilise young people, and create a dialogue between art, innovation and climate during the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow. From the 1st to the 12th of November, Art of Change 21 will present [...]


Land, agriculture and organic elements at the heart of artistic practices

Exhibitions over the summer took us on a journey across the seas and oceans, to discover the mysteries of water, from La Mer Imaginaire (The Imaginary Sea) at the Fondation Carmignac in Porquerolles to the Territoire de l'Eau (Territories of Water) at the Fondation Schneider, Wattwiller. In France, the artistic events of this autumn promise a [...]


Biocenosis21 exhibition at the World Conservation Congress of IUCN

Biocenosis21 is an international exhibition of contemporary art on the theme of biodiversity, organized by Art of Change 21 within the IUCN World Conservation Congress and at La Traverse, next September in Marseille. Curated by Alice Audouin, founder of Art of Change 21, it brings together Marie-Sarah Adenis, Art Orienté Objet, Thijs Biersteker, Julian Charrière, [...]


In France, the summer season is focusing on the environment

This summer in France, ecology is proving to be significant in exhibitions, artistic programs outside of museum walls, as well as in heritage and the countryside. The artists respond to the thoughts of philosophers working on care and new ways of living with non-humans, as well as the accelerating climate crisis. From Le Havre to [...]


Trend: The Anthropocene Composters

A new generation of artists committed to the environment is emerging in France. Our editorial team proposes to explore four major trends within this young committed scene, from the 21 winners of the Planète Art Solidaire support awarded by Art of Change 21 (editor of this blog), sponsored by Maison Ruinart. See also other trends: [...]


Trend: The Anthropologists of the Common Good

A new generation of artists committed to the environment is emerging in France. Our editorial team proposes to explore four major trends within this young committed scene, from the 21 winners of the Planète Art Solidaire support awarded by Art of Change 21 (editor of this blog), sponsored by Maison Ruinart. See also other trends: [...]


Trend: The Scientific Auxiliaries

A new generation of artists committed to the environment is emerging in France. Our editorial team proposes to explore four major trends within this young committed scene, from the 21 winners of the Planète Art Solidaire support awarded by Art of Change 21 (editor of this blog), sponsored by Maison Ruinart. See also other trends: [...]


Trend: The New Druids

A new generation of artists committed to the environment is emerging in France. Our editorial team proposes to explore four major trends within this young committed scene, from the 21 winners of the Planète Art Solidaire support awarded by Art of Change 21 (editor of this blog), sponsored by Maison Ruinart. See also other trends: [...]


In France, a new generation of environmentally engaged artists

Impact Art News offers a special issue on young artists involved in the environment, living in France. It celebrates an emerging wave of hundreds of artists, bearers of new relationships and visions of art, life, and living together. Our editorial team at Art of Change 21 took the opportunity to share a unique point of [...]
