“Listening to the whispers and warnings the nature”: the disalienation at the heart of the Kochi-Muziris Biennale

Created in 2010, the Biennial of Kochi-Muziris (main city of Kerala, India) has constantly reflected the will of its habitants to build the foundations of a new society that wants to be more free, inclusive and democratic. This event presents itself as a major project where artistic creation proposes to reinvent the world in which [...]


On the side of art galleries: a planet fighting for its survival

Brussels, Luxembourg and Paris convoke at the beginning of the year three exhibitions questioning our relationship with nature and species. Maarten Vanden Eynde, as part of her exhibition Half Earth at the Meessen De Clercq Gallery (Brussels), pragmatically orchestrates a new organization of our planet inspired by biologist E.O Wilson dividing humans on one side [...]
