Impact Art News is a bilingual French-English newsletter and blog all about art and ecology. We select and share the best exhibitions and artistic projects related to ecology and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), speak to engaged artists and keep you up to date concerning major environmental issues, highlighting them in each issue through a interview.
Publication Manager and Chief Editor: Alice Audouin. Texts: Alice Audouin, Lisa Toubas, Marguerite Courtel (April-December 2018). Editor: Impact Art News (free transfer from Alice Audouin Consulting in 2019, without change of the editorial team).
In conversation with the artist Tiphaine Calmettes
When did ecology first come into your work? At the School of Fine Arts in Bourges, I worked on brutalist, post-industrial architecture; then I made a study trip to Mongolia which connected me to the [...]
Put an end to waste in culture
Ki Culture, based in the Netherlands, is an exciting new player identifying the link between culture and sustainability. Under the impetus of its founder Caitlin Southwick, whom we interviewed (on our IGTV), Ki Culture is [...]
Art in the open air
Despite a troubled period which placed many exhibitions under threat, a wind of optimism is now blowing with the arrival of spring, with exhibitions and artistic tours taking place in the open air. Art takes [...]
Is the end nigh for MDF board?
It’s everywhere, big and small, in exhibitions and art fairs, homes and offices: "Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) used in a raw dry environment", otherwise known simply in France as medium. But what is the lifecycle [...]
The forest, branching out as an exhibition theme
The forest is now emerging as an exhibition theme in its own right in the field of contemporary art, and is no longer just in natural history museums. Last year, the Fondation Cartier in Paris [...]
Which wood certification to trust: PEFC or FSC?
FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and PEFC (Program of the Endorsement of Forest Certification) are the two main wood certifiers. They address forest management, the traceability of wood processing, and the social dimension of workers. According [...]
Brazil: the forest at the crossroads of art and struggle
The Brazilian government is muzzling the fight against illegal logging, intensive farming and illegal mining in the country, destroying the Amazon forest while its inhabitants are already struggling against the pressures of global warming. The [...]
Special Art & Forests: portrait of Sara Favriau
Sara Favriau, born in 1983, shifts scales, symbols and objects - often with humor - bringing out the meaning of fortuitous, sometimes accidental encounters. If trees occupy an important place in this game of chance, [...]
Special Art & Forests: portrait of Fabrice Hyber
The forest occupies a major place in the work and life of contemporary artist Fabrice Hyber, born in 1961. When he started planting a forest thirty years ago on land he bought with his first [...]
Special Art & Forets: portrait of Vincent Laval
"The forest is what drives me, amazes me, makes me doubt, makes me want to fight, to create and to see tomorrow. I am learning to accept that I will only be part of it [...]
In conversation with the artist Michael Wang
Art of Change 21 - How did you start to deal with environmental issues in your work? I have always been drawn to the natural world. My father is a geophysicist, and some of my [...]