Impact Art News is a bilingual French-English newsletter and blog all about art and ecology. We select and share the best exhibitions and artistic projects related to ecology and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), speak to engaged artists and keep you up to date concerning major environmental issues, highlighting them in each issue through a interview.

Publication Manager and Chief Editor: Alice Audouin. Texts: Alice Audouin, Lisa Toubas, Marguerite Courtel (April-December 2018). Editor: Impact Art News (free transfer from Alice Audouin Consulting in 2019, without change of the editorial team).

Art of Change 21: artistic programme at COP26 with John Gerrard and Lucy Orta

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Art of Change 21 (the editor of Impact Art News) will defend the major role of artists in the ecological transition, mobilise young people, and create a dialogue between art, innovation and climate during the [...]

In conversation with the artist Margo Trushina

Categories: Interview|

What role do environmental issues play in your work? Current challenges - such as the melting glaciers, the extinction of plant species, the mutation of animals or pandemics, and how humanity is called to coexist [...]

Land, agriculture and organic elements at the heart of artistic practices

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Exhibitions over the summer took us on a journey across the seas and oceans, to discover the mysteries of water, from La Mer Imaginaire (The Imaginary Sea) at the Fondation Carmignac in Porquerolles to the [...]

In conversation with the artist Julian Charrière

Categories: Interview|

How did environmental issues appear in your work? Was there a light-bulb moment, an influence? There was no light-bulb moment. It happened very naturally. Very early on, I became interested in our relationship to space, [...]

Biocenosis21: success at the IUCN Congress

Categories: Exhibitions|

From September 3 to 11, the Art of Change 21 association (publisher of Impact Art News) presented Biocenosis21 , a contemporary art exhibition on the theme of biodiversity, at the IUCN World Conservation Congress. After [...]

An artistic fall season that reveals an increased interest in ecological issues

Categories: Exhibitions|

Environmental themes are increasingly present in the artistic field, both in the context of biennial e s and of group and solo shows. Might the greater dynamism of Berlin, Copenhagen, Montreal or Moscow on these [...]

Biocenosis21 exhibition at the World Conservation Congress of IUCN

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Biocenosis21 is an international exhibition of contemporary art on the theme of biodiversity, organized by Art of Change 21 within the IUCN World Conservation Congress and at La Traverse, next September in Marseille. Curated by [...]

In France, the summer season is focusing on the environment

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This summer in France, ecology is proving to be significant in exhibitions, artistic programs outside of museum walls, as well as in heritage and the countryside. The artists respond to the thoughts of philosophers working [...]

In conversation with the artist Tamara Haddad

Categories: Interview|

When did the environment first become a theme in your work? Living in Beirut, I started to smell pollution in the 2000s on the way to Fine Arts school every day. I felt that the [...]

Trend: The Anthropocene Composters

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A new generation of artists committed to the environment is emerging in France. Our editorial team proposes to explore four major trends within this young committed scene, from the 21 winners of the Planète Art [...]

Trend: The Anthropologists of the Common Good

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A new generation of artists committed to the environment is emerging in France. Our editorial team proposes to explore four major trends within this young committed scene, from the 21 winners of the Planète Art [...]

Trend: The Scientific Auxiliaries

Categories: Other|

A new generation of artists committed to the environment is emerging in France. Our editorial team proposes to explore four major trends within this young committed scene, from the 21 winners of the Planète Art [...]