Impact Art News is a bilingual French-English newsletter and blog all about art and ecology. We select and share the best exhibitions and artistic projects related to ecology and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), speak to engaged artists and keep you up to date concerning major environmental issues, highlighting them in each issue through a interview.
Publication Manager and Chief Editor: Alice Audouin. Texts: Alice Audouin, Lisa Toubas, Marguerite Courtel (April-December 2018). Editor: Impact Art News (free transfer from Alice Audouin Consulting in 2019, without change of the editorial team).
Interview with the artist Bo Zheng
Art of change 21 - You have your first solo exhibition in Italy in the Living Art Park of Turino, named Weed Parti III, What does it show? What impact your work have? Bo Zheng [...]
“Aerocene” by Tomás Saraceno
In 2018, Palais de Tokyo gave the artist Tomás Saraceno free rein to present his latest research centred on biomimetics and the Anthropocene. Passionate about the upper atmosphere, he transcends reality to create a poetic [...]
Interview with the artist Serge Attukwei Clottey
Art of Change 21 - What brought you to work on plastic pollution and environmental issues? Serge Attukwei Clottey - I grew up in Labadi, Accra, next to a lagoon separating my hometown from the [...]