Impact Art News is the specialised media on contemporary art and the environment by the Art of Change 21 association.

    Both a bimonthly newsletter and a bilingual French-English blog, Impact Art News has been selecting and analysing exhibitions, projects and trends in contemporary art related to ecology since 2018, as well as interviewing the most emblematic artists.

    Its editorial team is made up of members of Art of Change 21 team members (Alice Audouin, Pauline Lisowski, Sana Tekaïa, Stefano Vendramin, Aloïs Loizeau, Eliza Morris) and outside contributors (Lorenzo Beatrix, Lucia Longhi, Juliette Soulez…).

    Since its creation, Impact Art News has promoted over 1,600 committed artists, more than 400 exhibitions, biennials, residencies and projects, and published over 50 conversations with artists including Otobong Nkanga, Tomás Saraceno, Precious Okoyomon, Superflex, John Gerrard…

    An independent, Impact Art News does not publish advertorials or accept advertising. Its autonomy relies on the support of its faithful readers.

    Support us

    Subscribe to Impact Art News (free): here

    Thanks to all those who have contributed to Impact Art News: Oscar Bardet, Hélène Geber, Marie Leprêtre, Lisa Toubas, Marguerite Courtel.

    Interview with the artist Bo Zheng

    Categories: Interview|Tags: , , , |

    Art of change 21 - You have your first solo exhibition in Italy in the Living Art Park of Turino, named Weed Parti III, What does it show? What impact your work have? Bo Zheng [...]

    “Aerocene” by Tomás Saraceno

    Categories: One SDG, one project|Tags: , , , , |

    In 2018, Palais de Tokyo gave the artist Tomás Saraceno free rein to present his latest research centred on biomimetics and the Anthropocene. Passionate about the upper atmosphere, he transcends reality to create a poetic [...]

    Interview with the artist Serge Attukwei Clottey

    Categories: Interview|Tags: , , , , |

    Art of Change 21 - What brought you to work on plastic pollution and environmental issues? Serge Attukwei Clottey - I grew up in Labadi, Accra, next to a lagoon separating my hometown from the [...]