Impact Art News is the specialised media on contemporary art and the environment by the Art of Change 21 association.

    Both a bimonthly newsletter and a bilingual French-English blog, Impact Art News has been selecting and analysing exhibitions, projects and trends in contemporary art related to ecology since 2018, as well as interviewing the most emblematic artists.

    Its editorial team is made up of members of Art of Change 21 team members (Alice Audouin, Pauline Lisowski, Sana Tekaïa, Stefano Vendramin, Aloïs Loizeau, Eliza Morris) and outside contributors (Lorenzo Beatrix, Lucia Longhi, Juliette Soulez…).

    Since its creation, Impact Art News has promoted over 1,600 committed artists, more than 400 exhibitions, biennials, residencies and projects, and published over 50 conversations with artists including Otobong Nkanga, Tomás Saraceno, Precious Okoyomon, Superflex, John Gerrard…

    An independent, Impact Art News does not publish advertorials or accept advertising. Its autonomy relies on the support of its faithful readers.

    Support us

    Subscribe to Impact Art News (free): here

    Thanks to all those who have contributed to Impact Art News: Oscar Bardet, Hélène Geber, Marie Leprêtre, Lisa Toubas, Marguerite Courtel.

    Bandjoun Station, by Barthélémy Toguo

    Categories: One SDG, one project|Tags: , , , , , |

    Bandjoun Station, a long-term artistic, agricultural and political project, was initiated in 2005 in Bandjoun, Cameroon, by the contemporary artist Barthélémy Toguo. His mission? To develop education and access to art; promote organic farming and [...]

    The Autumn artistic season is green

    Categories: Exhibitions|Tags: , , , , , , |

    From Paris to Marseille, the arts return after the summer break under the sign of the Anthropocene, like a mirror image of COVID-19, a symptom of an annexed wild world, heat waves, droughts and fires [...]

    What is eco-design?

    Categories: Eco-design|Tags: , , , , , |

    Eco-design derives from life cycle analysis, which appeared in the 1970s. It is officially defined as: ‘integrating environmental characteristics into product design to improve its environmental performance throughout its life cycle’ (2009 European eco-design directive). [...]

    In conversation with the artist Manish Nai

    Categories: Interview|Tags: , , , , |

    Art of Change 21 - How did you start using recycled materials in your work? Manish Nai - Collecting old stuff is my hobby and obsession. In my daily life I am overwhelmed by it! [...]

    Summer Quiz! How much do you know about Art & Environment?

    Categories: Other|Tags: , , , , |

    For its July / August 2020 issue, Impact Art News invites you to play our Quiz to test your knowledge of contemporary art and the environment.  Ready? Here are 14 questions. More than 7 correct [...]

    Conversation with the artist Sissel Tolaas

    Categories: Interview|Tags: , , , , |

    Art of Change 21 - You have been working on the topic of smell for nearly thirty years, across disciplines and continents, what inspires you? Sissel Tolaas - What makes us human is that we [...]

    What are the main environmental impacts of a contemporary work of art?

    Categories: Eco-design|Tags: , , , , , |

    This general question is the common thread of this new section, which seeks to understand and reduce these impacts. To start with, they are distributed throughout the ‘life cycle’ of an artwork – from design to [...]

    Places of the unexplored by Jakob Kudsk Steensen

    Categories: One SDG, one project|Tags: , , , , , |

    Danish artist Jakob Kudsk Steensen is interested in how technology and ecology can work together. Accustomed to reviving extinct landscapes and ecosystems using technology tools and virtual reality (3D animations, sound and immersive installations), the artist is currently [...]

    A fair and united way of being in the world

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    At a time when a massive wave of uprisings is denouncing police violence, racism and social injustice, following the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery in the US, or Adama Traoré in [...]

    The Institute of Critical Zoologists (ICZ), by Robert Zhao Renhui

    Categories: One SDG, one project|Tags: , , , , , |

    At first sight it appears to be a serious institute bringing zoologists together. But a closer look reveals a few peculiarities. First, its founder, Robert Zhao Renhui, is an artist. Then, the focus of his studies [...]

    Conversation with the artist Jérémy Gobé

    Categories: Interview|Tags: , , , , , |

    Art of Change 21 - How are you feeling and coping with the coronavirus crisis? Jérémy Gobé - Like a brutal stop. Before the confinement arrived, I had 5 scheduled exhibitions, I was stressed and [...]

    Covid-19 : Digital takeover

    Categories: Other|Tags: , , , , , , |

    The sharp slowdown in artistic activity is currently being offset by a digital effervescence that is disrupting usual hierarchies, promoting a new kind of solidarity, and offering unique and intimate access to artists. In the [...]