Impact Art News is a French-English bilingual bimonthly online magazine on contemporary art and the environment.
    Since April 2018, Impact Art News has selected, interviewed and supported artists, exhibitions and projects related to ecology and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

    Editorial team: Alice Audouin, Aloïs Loizeau, Juliette Soulez, Lucia Longhi, Pauline Lisowski, Stefano Vendramin
    Newsletter management and online publication: Pauline Lisowski, Aloïs Loizeau, Elisabeth Mbeng
    Translators: Juliette Soulez, Stefano Vendramin, Eva Radek
    Publisher: Art of Change 21
    Director of Publication: Alice Audouin
    Former editor from April 2018 to December 2019 : Alice Audouin Consulting

    Thank you to those who contributed to the letter Oscar Bardet (January – December 2023), Hélène Geber (January 2021 – September 2023), Marie Leprêtre (September – December 2020), Lisa Toubas (January 2019 – June 2020), Marguerite Courtel (April – December 2018).

    Art of Change 21 warmly thanks Maison Guerlain for its support.

    Subscribe to Impact Art News (free): here

    Places of the unexplored by Jakob Kudsk Steensen

    Categories: One SDG, one project|Tags: , , , , , |

    Danish artist Jakob Kudsk Steensen is interested in how technology and ecology can work together. Accustomed to reviving extinct landscapes and ecosystems using technology tools and virtual reality (3D animations, sound and immersive installations), the artist is currently [...]

    A fair and united way of being in the world

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    At a time when a massive wave of uprisings is denouncing police violence, racism and social injustice, following the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery in the US, or Adama Traoré in [...]

    The Institute of Critical Zoologists (ICZ), by Robert Zhao Renhui

    Categories: One SDG, one project|Tags: , , , , , |

    At first sight it appears to be a serious institute bringing zoologists together. But a closer look reveals a few peculiarities. First, its founder, Robert Zhao Renhui, is an artist. Then, the focus of his studies [...]

    Conversation with the artist Jérémy Gobé

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    Art of Change 21 - How are you feeling and coping with the coronavirus crisis? Jérémy Gobé - Like a brutal stop. Before the confinement arrived, I had 5 scheduled exhibitions, I was stressed and [...]

    Covid-19 : Digital takeover

    Categories: Other|Tags: , , , , , , |

    The sharp slowdown in artistic activity is currently being offset by a digital effervescence that is disrupting usual hierarchies, promoting a new kind of solidarity, and offering unique and intimate access to artists. In the [...]

    New Section: Eco-design

    Categories: Eco-design|Tags: , , , , , |

    Impact Art News is delighted to launch a new section called ‘Eco-design’. The Covid crisis is giving rise to many questions on the environmental impacts of art. In response, Art of Change 21 has decided to [...]

    Extinct in the Wild, by Michael Wang

    Categories: One SDG, one project|Tags: , , , , , |

    New York-based artist and architect Michael Wang is not only one of the most interesting artists of our times, but he is also an outstanding expert on the IUCN Red List! His ongoing project, Extinct in the Wild, [...]

    Conversation with the artist Otobong Nkanga

    Categories: Interview|Tags: , , , , , |

    Art of Change 21 - How are you feeling and coping with the coronavirus crisis? Otobong Nkanga - I am in a fog and it still feels too early for me to comment, to put [...]

    Cooperation and solidarity between artists

    Categories: Other|Tags: , , , , , |

    The spirit of cooperation of the finalists of the last Turner Prize had left its mark. Sharing, earning less, but winning together, is an attitude which was also put forward by the young artist Jérémy [...]

    Mask Crusaders by Camille Henrot, Shabd Simon-Alexander and others

    Categories: One SDG, one project|Tags: , , , , , |

    SPECIAL COVID-19 Mask Crusaders is an efficient and generous project co-created by Camille Henrot, Shabd Simon-Alexander, Julia Weist and JoJo Li along with other artists and medical professionals. Its objective is to provide frontline workers (as caregivers) with protective [...]

    Conversation with the artists Lucy and Jorge Orta

    Categories: Interview|Tags: , , , , , |

    Art of Change 21 - What is your experience and analysis of the current pandemic? Lucy et Jorge Orta - It reflects all the disruption that has been accumulating for some time, the consequences of [...]

    When will we emerge from the Penumbral Age?

    Categories: Exhibitions|Tags: , , , , , |

    With its new exhibition The Penumbral Age, Art in the Time of Planetary Change, the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw explores fifty years of creativity during the "shadow age", our current-day era marked by the advancing [...]