Impact Art News is a bilingual French-English newsletter and blog all about art and ecology. We select and share the best exhibitions and artistic projects related to ecology and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), speak to engaged artists and keep you up to date concerning major environmental issues, highlighting them in each issue through a interview.
Publication Manager and Chief Editor: Alice Audouin. Texts: Alice Audouin, Lisa Toubas, Marguerite Courtel (April-December 2018). Editor: Impact Art News (free transfer from Alice Audouin Consulting in 2019, without change of the editorial team).
Edward Burtynsky : anthropocene project
The term "Anthropocene" is now on everyone's lips. If a question of permanently marking our presence and superiority, it is done thing. Yet since we cannot possibly backtrack, what solutions remain? Photographer Edward Burtynsky, directors [...]
“Janet Laurence : After Nature” : the living lab
A major Australian contemporary artist, Janet Laurence devotes her work to exploring the turbulence and resilience of life in the Anthropocene. As a druidess exploring the mysteries of nature and an emergency doctor seeking to [...]
Forensic Architecture investigates two ecocides
Up to 22 September 2019, Ujazdowski Castle - Centre for Contemporary Art in Warsaw, Poland, is hosting in parallel two exhibitions on the Anthropocene – "Human-Free Earth" and "Centre for Contemporary Nature’" curated by Jaroslaw [...]
“Desert: raising awareness “in the middle of nowhere”
For its 4th year, ‘DESERT X’, the ‘Desert Biennial’, brings together the best international artists in the Coachella Valley. DESERT X wants to be a place for people to meet and exchange, where art creates a [...]
The end of the world, really?
Up to 30 November 2019, the Cisternerne Museum in Copenhagen is hosting SUPERFLEX and its personal exhibition ‘It Is Not The End Of The World’: an opportunity for the Danish collective to fly in the [...]
The Earth – sliced, chopped of hacked?
Presented at the ShanghART Singapore Gallery up to 23 June 2019, the installation ‘Trying to Remember a Tree (iii) - The world will surely collapse’, by Robert Zhao Renhui, was triggered by a seemingly commonplace [...]
Interview with the artist Marcus Coates
Art of change 21 - The name of your upcoming exhibition at MacGarry Gallery is ‘Near Life Experience’, what is it about? Marcus Coates - For so many of us, particularly in urban areas, our [...]
“The sound of the wind in the trees” by Chris Jordan
In the heart of central Europe in the land formerly known as Bohemia, lies a region of iconically beautiful and fragile forest: the ancient Šumava (“The sound of wind in the trees”). The slender conifers [...]
Russia, new empire of the ecological awareness
Russia was not expected to be the most mobilized country on the environment. And yet, in 2019, the country will be the protagonist of a major exhibition at the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in [...]
Italy: design and “broken nature”
Milan will host next month the XXII edition of the "Triennale de Design" on the theme: "Broken Nature: Design Takes on Human Survival". Behind the optimism of a resilient design capable of repairing environmental damage, [...]
“Listening to the whispers and warnings the nature”: the disalienation at the heart of the Kochi-Muziris Biennale
Created in 2010, the Biennial of Kochi-Muziris (main city of Kerala, India) has constantly reflected the will of its habitants to build the foundations of a new society that wants to be more free, inclusive [...]
On the side of art galleries: a planet fighting for its survival
Brussels, Luxembourg and Paris convoke at the beginning of the year three exhibitions questioning our relationship with nature and species. Maarten Vanden Eynde, as part of her exhibition Half Earth at the Meessen De Clercq [...]