Mathieu Baudin


Mathieu Baudin, founder and  director of the “Institut des Futurs Souhaitables”.

Historian and prospectivist, Mathieu Baudin is the CEO of the (litteraly translated) “Institute for Desirable Futures” (Paris, France), an intellectual fab lab which mission is to rehabilitate the long term in present decisions and to inspire the public debate of desirable futures.
Surrounded by a team of a hundred of experts and artists, he organizes and conducts intellectual explorations called “Lab Sessions” to better navigate and project oneself into the future

The experts committee

Ganaël Bascoul


Ganaël Bascoul, co-founder and managing director of SoonSoonSoon.

Statistician-economist at ENSAE (ParisTech) , Sociologist (DEA Sciences Po Paris), and Doctor in Management Science (University of Strasbourg), Ganaël is specialized in marketing research, specifically in emerging trends and their digital use as well as sustainable development.

Former consultant (Ernst&Young) and professor-researcher (HEC, ESCP Europe) in strategy, innovation and marketing, he is today co-founder and scientific director of SoonSoonSoon, first crowdsourced platform on innovation and prospective, in charge of strategic marketing consultancy missions.

The experts committee

Thierry Taboy


Thierry Taboy, vice-president for CSR of Orange.

Thierry Taboy is vice-president of Corporate Social Responsibility at Orange. Since 2009, he is responsible for all HR and social/societal issues.

Prior to this role, Thierry was director of the Market Intelligence division at Sofrecom/Orange. Before joining Orange Group in 1998, Thierry managed the Parthenay, digital city project, one of the first French experimentation dedicated to e-citizenship and co-edited “Transversales Science & Culture” journal.

Thierry is graduated of a Master 2 research in economy specialized in environment (Professor : René Passet)  from the University of Paris La Sorbonne.

The experts committee

Anne-Sophie Novel

Anne Sophie Novel

Anne-Sophie Novel, journalist.

Anne-Sophie Novel is a journalist and specialized blogger in ecology and sustainable alternatives, social innovation and sharing economy.
A key figure of the “sharing” culture in France, she leads the project “Place to B” for COP 21, which gathered bloggers from all around the world in one unique place.

She is the author of “La vie share, mode d’emploi”, “Guide du locavore pour mieux consommer local” (about local consumption) and the co-author “Vive la Co-révolution” (about sharing economy) with Stéphane Riot.

The experts committee

Alain Grandjean

Alain Grandjean

 Alain Grandjean, cofounder of Carbone 4

Carbone 4 is the leading carbon strategy consultancy firm. The firm’s name refers to the Factor 4 concept, the name given to France’s aim to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 75% by the year 2050. Alain Grandjean has 15 years of experience in management, and 7 years in consultancy for investment funds and as CEO. He is a renowned lecturer and trainer on energy and climate issues, and is the author of 5 books. 

Alain Grandjean graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique and the Ecole Nationale Superieure de la Statistique et de l’Administration Economique. Dr Alain Grandjean received a PhD in Economics of the Environment.

Le comité d’experts

Stéphane Riot


Stéphane Riot, founding director of Noveterra.

Stéphane Riot founded NoveTerra in 2005 to help organisations and individuals move towards sustainability. He is well-known for his comprehensive approach combining expertise in sustainable business models, collective intelligence, strategy, and variations in human behaviour.

Stéphane also co-authored Long-Live the Co-Révolution! For a collaborative society and contributes in French to collective books and blogs on alternative business models.

The steering committee

Wen Fang

Wen Fang

Wen Fang, artist – China

Member of Le Conclave 2014

Artist Wen Fang has brought about a reflection on major social and environmental issues. Internationally recognized, she is regularly exhibited in China, France, Korea, and Italy, in the most prestigious galleries.

A graduate of the University of Arts of Beijing and and the Ecole nationale supérieure Ens Louis Lumière, she places humans and nature at the heart of her creations. To her,“The person we can really save is ourselves”. Knowing this, she suggests that we should strive for change. Acting for women’s rights, illness, orphans, she also works on the environment.

She says about Rain, created from Beijing’s household waste:

“Economic development is a sound idea, but how much money does it take to be truly wealthy? I spent my childhood playing in the wilderness around here, while these kids are spending their childhood playing on the trash heaps. I really wish these kids could grow up in gardens, just as we promised. But what I really don’t know is, when we finally have enough money, whether or not the garden will be anything more than a bunch of sharp knives…”

More information about Wen Fang HERE

Yann Toma

Yann Toma

Yann Toma, artist – France

Member of Le Conclave 2014

He is a French artist and art researcher. His works and thoughts concern the political, environmental and media context. To him, the artist as a free media has a civic responsibility to occupy public space and question citizens. He often works with industrials, political sciences players and philosophers.

In the 90’s, Yann Toma brought the old electricity company Ouest Lumière back to life: its place, archives and name. It had been created in 1901. He is now president for life. A monograph of his work was written, that presents his texts, interviews, 700 photographs and illustrations, and shows the extent of his works and artistic reflections.

Active on the international environmental scene, he is artist member observer at the UN. His works are exhibited in many collections, for example at the Centre Georges Pompidou or in the Fonds national d’art contemporain collection. In 2011, his participative exhibition Dynamo-Fukushima about the Japanese catastrophe at the Grand Palais brought more than 24 000 people in only 3 days.

Pierre de Vallombreuse

Pierre de Vallombreuse

Pierre de Vallombreuse, photographer – France

Member of Le Conclave 2014

Eager to be a witness of his time and his contemporaries and inspired by Joseph Kessel, Pierre de Vallombreuse has become one of the most important native peoples photographer of the world. He is the friend, ambassador and photographer of these people. He has shared twenty seven years of his life with forty six of these communities and created the first world-wide documentary fund: a huge database of over more than 140,000 photographs.

Spokesman of these people, committed player on the ecological scene, he draws attention to the importance of these native people who are often the first victims of the ecological disasters: lack of food, deforestation, global warming, pollution… all these crucial questions which, far from being local, concern the whole of humanity. His everyday struggle is to raise awareness about global warming and to preserve the vital link between man and nature.

Pierre de Vallombreuse has published many books and is exhibited in France, India, Bolivia, etc. He has won numerous awards, from the first prize at the Golden Island International Film Festival Adventure, Bailly, 2000, to the first prize at the International mountain and adventure film festival, Graz (Austria), 2001, or the Leonard de Vinci prize by the Foreign Affairs Ministry in 1993.

David Kobia

David Kobia

David Kobia, social entrepreneur – USA, Kenya

Member of Le Conclave 2014

David Kobia is the cofounder of Ushahidi, the trustee of iHub_Nairobi and the manager of BRCK.

Ushaihidi is a non-profit software company that develops free and open-source software for information collection, and interactive mapping for use in crisis response. It helps media, governments, NGOs and social movements to deal with earthquakes, wildfires, floods, social crisis, and citizen mobilization. One of its tools, Crowdmap, has a large application, allowing anybody to build a map using a collaborative method. Ushahidi won the NetSquared N2Y3 Mashup Challenge in 2008, received the MacArthur Award in 2013 and the Global Adaptation Index Prize in 2012.

iHub Nairobi’s Innovation Hub for the technology community is an open space for the technologists, investors, tech companies and hackers in the area.

BRCK is a team of software developers, engineers and technologists who are from Africa and live there.

In 2010, David was a recipient of MIT Technology Review’s TR35 award (35 top innovators under 35) and the Humanitarian of the Year award. In 2011, he accepted a Webby Award on behalf of Ushahidi.