Karine Niego


Founder and CEO of Green Raid, vice-president of Art of Change 21

Green Raid provides a collaborative platform named “Yes we green” for finding all the “local & green” deals in one’s neighbourhood, in the city of Nantes or Paris and many other cities in France and worldwide.

From thrift shops to bicycle repairers, from local manufacturers to communal gardens, from selective waste-disposal centers to “Relais” clothing recycling banks, Green Raid allows people to benefit from their neighbourhood and live their lives differently!


The steering committee

Jérôme Auriac

Jérôme Auriac, founder and CEO of Be-linked, founder of Societality.com

Specialized in sustainable development and business-NGOs partnerships, Jérôme Auriac is the founder of Be-linked, Business & Community Intelligence, a consultancy firm specialized in business and civil society organizations relationship. He is also the co-founder of Societality.com, a global collaborative platform, promoting and facilitating societal actions.

Jérôme teaches in business schools (at HEC: MS Sustainable Development, Business & Poverty Social Business Chair; at ESSEC : General management for Social Economy), business associations on the themes of CSR, NGO networks, as well as in educational institutions or foreign research institutes (such as the Natural Capital Institute or the Getulio Vargas Foundation).

President of a development NGO working in Brazil and fluent in Portuguese, he is also a board member of Foundations, NGOs and specialized think tanks.


The steering committee

Steven Hearn


Steven Hearn, chair of Scintillo, founding manager of Le troisième pôle and manager of La Gaîté Lyrique.

Steven Hearn has been working in the cultural sector for fifteen years. He is the manager and the founder of the cultural agency “le Troisième Pôle”. He chairs Scintillo‚ a holding company which creates‚ takes over and manages magazines‚ cinemas‚ a publishing house and a film production company. His group runs  “La Gaîté Lyrique”‚ a digital arts and modern music center owned by the City of Paris. His entire organization employs a total of 120 people. 

Steven has also launched Creatis, a business incubator and an investment fund, with a strong focus on social innovation.


The steering committee

Paul Ardenne


Paul Ardenne, art critic.

Art historian, writer, curator and traveller, Paul Ardenne is a recognized specialist in the fields of contemporary art, aesthetics and architecture. Witnessing the culture of the era he lives in, his analysis questions the individual and social lifestyles in a post-modern and globalized world.

Author of “Un Art contextuel” (2002), he works on non traditional forms of arts, in particular the ones which interact with their social, political and geographical environment.

Paul Ardenne was a curator for, among others, “La Force de l’Art”, at the Grand Palais, Paris, 2006, “Ailleurs” at l’Espace Culturel Louis Vuitton, Paris, 2011, and “Printemps de septembre”, Toulouse, 2012.


The experts committee

Raphaël Ménard


Raphaël Ménard, post-carbon engineer and architect.

Post-carbon engineer and architect, Raphael Ménard is the director of Forecasting for the EGIS group (a 10,000 person organization and leader in construction engineering) and co-manager of Elioth, an engineering team dedicated to ecodesign and complex building engineering.

Inside Elioth, he has developed several innovations and patents on renewable energies such as Wind-it (Metropolis Next Gen Prize in 2009). He also participates in different projects for the French National Research Agency.

Graduated from Ecole Polytechnique, Raphaël Ménard is considered in France as one of the most important faces of “CO2free”


The experts committee

Valérie Martin


Valérie Martin, head of communication and information department, ADEME.

Valérie Martin heads up a team of 29 people in charge of implementing the media relations strategy, marketing campaigns, institutional communication, digital strategy, general public communication strategy and responsible communication.

Valérie actively promotes responsible communication, as a way to promote a more sustainable way of producing and living. It consists of sincere and transparent messages, a good governance that involves the stakeholders and the eco-design of the communication supports, in order to limit negative environmental and social impacts.

The experts committee

Jean-Pierre Sicard


Jean-Pierre Sicard, deputy CEO at CDC Climat.

Serving the energy transition, CDC Climat is Caisse des Dépôts’ subsidiary dedicated to the fight against climate change. It invests alone or with partners in projects that reduce GHG emissions or improve energy efficiency. It advises public institutions on climate change strategies. Its research team conducts independent analyses in the field of climate change economy.

At the Caisse des Dépôts, Jean-Pierre Sicard took charge of strategic foresight, between 1998 and 2001. Then, he created Novethic, a research centre for sustainable development and responsible investment for which he is currently president. He was then Sustainable Development Director at Caisse des Dépôts from April 2004 to March 2009. Before joining Caisse des Dépôts, Mr. Sicard founded and directed an audiovisual production company. He is chairman of the Think Tank 2° Investing Initiative that promotes the integration of climate constraints in both financial institution’s investment strategies and financial regulatory framework.


The experts committee

François Gemenne


François Gemenne, researcher in political science.

François Gemenne is a research fellow in political science (CEDEM – University of Liege, Belgium / CEARC – University of Versailles, France), and he’s is also an associate expert with CERI – Sciences Po, France. A specialist of environmental geopolitics and migration governance, he also lectures on these issues in various universities, including Sciences Po (Paris and Grenoble), the University of Paris 13 and the Free University of Brussels. His research mostly deals with populations displaced by environmental changes and the policies of adaptation to climate change. He has conducted field studies in New Orleans after hurricane Katrina, Tuvalu, China, Kyrgyzstan, the Maldives, Mauritius and Japan, after the Fukushima disaster.

François is also the director of the Sustainable Development series at Presses de Sciences Po, a leading French academic publisher, and the president of Ecosphere, a Brussels-based think-tank on environmental issues and human rights. 


The experts committee

Sakina M’Sa


Sakina M’Sa, ethic fashion designer.

Ethical fashion designer, Sakina M’Sa is the artistic director of ethical fashion brand Sakina M’sa, and is very committed to social and environmental stakes. At the cross-roads of fashion and social stakes, her favourite theme is the social fabric in working-class areas of Paris. She also explores the social aspects of fashion through dance, contemporary art and philosophy.

Sakina also founded an integration company through sewing. Goddess of upcycling, she regularly organizes fashion parades for female prisoners in the prison of Fleury-Mérogis with

In 2015, she opened Front de Mode, the first concept store, ethically, socially and ecologically responsible, located in the neighborhood “Le Haut-Marais” in Paris.


The experts committee

Pascal Le Brun-Cordier


Pascal Le Brun-Cordier, artistic director and associate director.

Pascal Le Brun-Cordier created and directs the first Master’s dedicated to art in public spaces at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, where he is an associate professor. For ten years, he has been organizing debates, conferences and workshops on art in the public space

Pascal also created and directed the ZAT (Temporary Artistic Zones) in Montpellier, which are big, outdoor free events, mixing different types of arts.


The experts committee